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The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, hosts a press conference on The Chief Executive's 2018 Policy Address on October 10.
The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, hosts a press conference on "The Chief Executive's 2018 Policy Address" on October 10.

Economic diversification one of Hong Kong’s future priorities

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Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, unveiled her 2018 Policy Address on October 10, announcing a raft of measures to boost land supply, nurture talent and diversify the economy. "While the road ahead may not be all smooth and easy, I strongly believe that it will lead to a broad runway for Hong Kong to take off again," Mrs Lam said, delivering her Policy Address entitled "Striving Ahead, Rekindling Hope". She also stressed the importance of safeguarding judicial independence and upholding the rule of law.

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To further enhance Hong Kong’s global status, the HKSAR Government aims to sign more bilateral and multilateral agreements. A steering committee will be established to identify opportunities and co-ordinate participation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Mrs Lam also proposed several measures to advance innovation and technology, the maritime sector, the insurance industry, the film industry as well as education and healthcare.

"I believe that the HKSAR Government and myself are capable of building a better Hong Kong. I believe that all sectors in the community will leverage on their own strengths and seize the opportunities presented by the Belt and Road Initiative and the Greater Bay Area development in exploring new areas of economic growth. I believe that our country will continue to provide staunch support for Hong Kong, help us rise to challenges and continue to inject new impetus to facilitate Hong Kong's development. Holding on to these three beliefs, we will certainly see hope. Let us strive ahead to rekindle hope for Hong Kong!" Mrs Lam concluded.

The Chief Executive’s 2018 Policy Address can be found here: